Strong in own brands
Did you already know that SCANPART is our own brand? In addition to articles from original equipment manufacturers (OEM), we also supply accessories in our own packaging line. Read more about the origin of the brand and what it stands for below.
The history and origin of the brand
SCANPART has been a well-known brand in the electrical retail sector since 1988. The trademark originates from Norway, where our sister company Scanor is located. The brand name was introduced at the time as a combination of SCANdinavian PARTs (SCAN PART).
The introduction of a new accessories segment (Brown Goods) to our range in 2005 formed the basis for a modernization of the logo. From that moment on, SCANPART stands for 'SCANing PARTs', because all articles under the label are provided with a scannable barcode. In the past, this was not always the case for connection materials and spare parts.
Role of the brand in the market
SCANPART is the main private label of the Elka Pieterman Group. CleanBag and ProfiQ are sub-brands under this label. The products are sold throughout Europe. The range includes approximately 850 products in the following categories:
• White goods, connection material and cleaners
• Vacuum cleaner bags and accessories
• Audio Video cables and cleaning
• Coffee accessories and cleaners
• Electric connection material
• Multimedia cables
• Telecom and Mobile cables
• Small household accessories
• Personal Care
Why choose SCANPART accessories?
The products are designed to make life easier for both the retailer and the consumer.
• Perfect quality, comparable to the original.
• Easy installation.
• Better use and daily maintenance.
• Continuing proper functioning of appliances.
Value for your money
The SCANPART products are a good alternative to A-brands and ensure better earnings. We always look for products with a good price-quality ratio. Often a cheaper alternative to the original brands. This means that we are well in line with the trend that consumers are also increasingly price-conscious and more often opt for a private label.
Packaging development
All packaging of the SCANPART products is developed in-house by Elka Pieterman. Attention is paid to various elements, such as professional product photography, clear pictograms, multilingualism and appealing colours. Of course they also comply with all local and European directives in terms of mandatory icons, certification, hazard indication and precautions.
Sales channels
The sales channels are also taken into account when developing the packaging. For example, many products have a Eurohole, so that they can hang on a hook in the store. In addition, there are also SCANPART products that are adapted to the wishes of the online channel. For example, we offer large packages (value packs) and sets with a higher sales value or items in packages that fit through the letterbox.

SCANPART website